The year 2008 saw the opening of a new plant in Bulgaria, to serve the European market with even more competitive prices.
Maria Stoikova, Customer Service Manager for many years and now Purchasing Manager for Zobele Bulgaria, has a clear memory of the birth of the production unit and its evolution since then: “I was the first employee at the new site. The first few months I was alone in an office with a desk, a phone and a coffee machine, but we soon moved to the Plovdiv site, where over the past 10 years I have witnessed the continuous growth of Zobele Bulgaria, in terms of customers, products and internal know-how and expertise. Now there are 350-400 employees depending on the time of year and we handle the European projects of the big multinationals, in close coordination always with headquarters in Trento”.
Last year the tenth anniversary of the Bulgarian site was celebrated with a major local event.